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North Korea may prepare nuclear test

2024-06-15 02:42:41      点击:214
38 North released in August 2016 this <strong></strong>satellite image of North Korea's nuclear test site at Punggye-ri. / Korea Times file
38 North released in August 2016 this satellite image of North Korea's nuclear test site at Punggye-ri. / Korea Times file

By Oh Young-jin

North Korea appears engaged in preparing for a nuclear test, a U.S.-based North Korea watcher claimed Thursday.

The activity involves in significant tunneling on the west side of its main nuclear test site, said "38 North", which monitors the reclusive state.

The activity comes as tension is being eased following the North's decision to send its delegation to the Feb. 9-25 PyeongChang Winter Olympics. The report is preceded by one about the U.S. sending Carl Vinson aircraft carrier to stay near the Korean Peninsula during the Games.

North Korea conducted its sixth and latest nuclear test in September, claiming it detonated a hydrogen bomb.

It assessment is based on recent satellite imagery of the Punggye-ri nuclear test site shows increased activity around the West Portal through December last year.

"The North Portal, where the last five nuclear tests were conducted, remains dormant," it said, but "tunnel excavation has been stepped up at the West Portal."
The imagery showed that mining carts and personnel were consistently present.

On Dec. 28, up to 120 personnel could be seen in seven different formations in the Southern Support Area.

"These activities underscore North Korea's continued efforts to maintain the Punggye-ri site's potential for future nuclear testing," the site said.

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