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Trump had a surprisingly simple reaction to Fidel Castro's death

2024-06-16 00:23:51      点击:006

Former Cuban leader, Fidel Castro, died Friday at the age of 90.

When President-elect Donald Trump learned of the news on Saturday morning, he, of course, turned to his favorite social media site to share his reaction with his followers.

In a surprisingly simple tweet, Trump announced Castro's death to the world, like his Twitter account is the political world's obituary page. Of course, it also included an exclamation point.

SEE ALSO:Social media captures Miami celebrating after Fidel Castro's death

Trump's tweet offered no elaboration, dramatic adjectives or usual insights into his blunt opinions -- just a simple, four-word-long death announcement.

As Newsweekreported, in the past Trump and Cuba have had a rocky relationship, after he allegedly violated the U.S. Cuban embargo in the 1990s.

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During his campaign, Trump also vowed to reverse President Obama's attempts at U.S.-Cuba relations unless "freedoms are restored."

Knowing Trump's history with Twitter, we have a feeling he could have more to say on the passing of Castro.

The president-elect issued an official, much more elaborate statement later in the morning, in which he referred to Castro as a "brutal dictator who oppressed his own people for nearly six decades."

Trump expressed his hopes for a future filled with freedom for the people in Cuba and went on to discuss the "many" Cuban Americans" who supported him during his campaign...

UPDATE: Nov. 26, 2016, 10:52 a.m. EST Updated with statement from Donald Trump.

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