Who is this mysterious doctor behind Trump and what does he want?     DATE: 2024-06-16 03:55:53

Donald Trump's rallies attract all sorts of people -- including, apparently, doctors in full uniform.

At a rally in Sanford, Florida, on Tuesday, a man wearing a lab coat and a stethoscope stood behind Donald Trump at the podium. What this "doctor" was doing there, and why he was in full costume, nobody knows.

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As commentators on Twitter pointed out, this doctor was actually sporting a goldstethoscope.

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Who is this man? Is he a Trump-supporting emergency care surgeon who left mid-surgery to pump his fist at a rally? Or a mysterious man who just got a little too excited about his doctor costume and wanted to show it off in front of the Donald? Was he put there by the Trump campaign to strengthen his relationship with the gold encrusted doctor community?

Twitter had questions.

What does this doctor want from Trump -- or more importantly, what does he want from us?

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