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N. Korea condemns Moon's 'red line' remark

2024-06-15 14:05:11      点击:011
North Korea on Monday condemned President Moon Jae-in's recent "red-line" warning over its weapons programs, calling it "silly" talk.

Moon said on Aug. 17 that North Korea would be crossing a red line if it weaponizes a nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). It marked the first time that South Korea's president clarified what the red line means.

"It is presumptuous of South Korea's leader to talk about a red line even as its master (the United States) does not dare to bring about," the Rodong Sinmun, the country's main newspaper, said in a commentary.

North Korea test-fired two ICBMs in July, which analysts say may put much of the U.S. mainland within range, including Los Angeles and Chicago.

"North Korea is getting closer to the threshold of the red line," Moon said.

Tensions somewhat eased after exchanges of bellicose rhetoric between U.S. President Donald Trump and the North Korean leadership.

North Korea held off on its threat to fire missiles toward the U.S. territory of Guam. Trump said that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is "starting to respect" America. (Yonhap)

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