
Why North Korea excludes Japan from onsite nuclear inspection

Japanese media's reporting on North Korea's denuclearization on April 22. North Korea announced it was willing to denuclearize the day before. / Yonhap
Japanese media's reporting on North Korea's denuclearization on April 22. North Korea announced it was willing to denuclearize the day before. / Yonhap

By Jung Da-min

Japan has been sidelined from the ongoing peace process and North Korea's denuclearization effort.

The latest development is the North's decision to keep Japanese media out during the dismantling of the Punggye-ri nuclear site, planned for May 23 to 25.

The North's foreign ministry said North Korea would invite journalists from six countries, including five member countries of the six-party talks, except Japan. The U.K. is on the list instead.

Japanese media have remained calm.

"Japanese media have responded to North Korea's announcement very calmly by just reporting this news," said Kosuke Takahashi, Tokyo correspondent of IHS Jane's Defence Weekly.

Fate of 10,000 Pyongyang nuclear scientists up in the air Fate of 10,000 Pyongyang nuclear scientists up in the air 2018-05-14 15:36  |  North Korea
Japanese media's reporting on North Korea's denuclearization on April 22. North Korea announced it was willing to denuclearize the day before. / Yonhap
Kosuke Takahashi, Tokyo correspondent for IHS Jane's Defence Weekly.

"At least one thing is evident. Prime Minister Abe has always said Japan will maintain pressure against North Korea unless it solves the abduction, nuclear and missile issues," Takahashi said.

"North Korea is now using its talks with South Korea, the U.S and China to shake Japan's tough posture against Pyongyang. It seems North Korea is now trying to shake Japan by such a divisive tactic."

Another reporter with a Japanese newspaper said the North Korean media's ongoing attacks on Japan signaled their interest in talks with the country.

"North Korea has been continually saying it hates Japan, but it paradoxically shows they are certainly interested in Japan's economic aid," the reporter said on condition of anonymity.

"However, because it is too early to talk with Japan directly, North Korea keeps criticizing and excluding Japan, in its attempt to make a situation where Japan wants to propose talks first."

Abe has been relegated to the role of asking President Moon Jae-in to pressure the North to address the issue of Japanese abductees and has pleaded with U.S. President Donald Trump to push for the complete denuclearization of the North.

The North added insult to injury on Japan's diplomatic isolation, when it talked about "Japan passing" in its mouthpiece Rodong Sinmun on May 6.

"There is no place for Japan, not even for a shadow, at the table where the fate of the Korean Peninsula is being discussed," read the commentary. "No one asks Japan to sit around the table."

Park Ji-won contributed reporting.

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