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41% of Americans support Trump

2024-06-15 06:16:47      点击:004
American voters are divided over whether U.S. President Donald Trump should meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un without concrete steps to dismantle the regime's nuclear weapons program, a survey showed Wednesday.

The poll by Politico and Morning Consult was conducted after Trump Thursday agreed to meet with Kim to discuss the North's denuclearization.

Trump has said he will hold the summit before the end of May, which would make him the first sitting U.S. president to meet with a North Korean leader.

Forty-one percent of those surveyed said the two leaders should meet without preconditions, compared to 36 percent who said they should meet only if Kim makes prior concessions on his nuclear program.

Twenty-four percent had no opinion.

Chinese, Russian leaders vow support for dialogue with North Korea 2018-03-15 10:23  |  North Korea
The survey was conducted on 1,992 registered voters from Friday to Sunday. The announcement on the summit was made Thursday.

In a separate joint survey of 1,997 registered voters from Thursday to Monday, 45 percent said they have "some" to "a lot of" confidence in Trump to handle the North Korea problem.

That was followed by 16 percent who didn't have much confidence and 31 percent who expressed "no confidence at all."

Both polls had a margin of error of 2 percentage points. (Yonhap)

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