
Trump selling 'deplorable' t

If Donald Trump understands anything, it's branding.

The Republican presidential nominee, who has plastered his last name in giant shiny letters on hotels and casinos across the country, is now selling "deplorable" t-shirts on his campaign's website.

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The t-shirts appear to be available only in men's sizes.

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The shirts stem from a comment Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton made at a fundraiser earlier this month.

"To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables," Clinton said on Sept. 9. "Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic -- you name it."

Data backs up Clinton's claim, though she soon apologized for it.

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A Reuters poll published in June showed that around 45 percent of Trump supporters believe black people are more rude than white people, and that around 50 percent of Trump supporters think black people are more violent.

A survey published in May by Public Policy Polling showed that 65 percent of voters who like Trump think Obama is Muslim, and 59 percent think he was born outside the United States.

But, never one to let evidence stand in the way of success, Trump quickly panned Clinton as an elitist who doesn't see voters as human beings.

The "deplorables" label took off. The moniker became something of a meme based off a poster for the movie, "The Expendables."

Many Twitter users changed their names to reference "deplorables." T-shirts and mugs and other merchandise celebrating the moniker popped up on Etsy and other websites.

And now, Trump is fundraising off the remark.

The t-shirts, of which there are two types, each cost $35.

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