
Presidential officials meet over NK missile launch

National Security Adviser Kim Sung-han / Korea Times photo by Seo Jae-hoon
National Security Adviser Kim Sung-han / Korea Times photo by Seo Jae-hoon

Presidential officials met Monday to discuss the security situation following North Korea's launch of two short-range ballistic missiles earlier in the day, the presidential office said.

National Security Adviser Kim Sung-han presided over the meeting and was briefed on North Korea's missile launch and the South Korean military's readiness posture before discussing the South's response, it said.

N. Korea fires 2 short-range ballistic missiles toward East Sea: S. Korean military N. Korea fires 2 short-range ballistic missiles toward East Sea: S. Korean military 2023-02-20 07:49  |  North Korea
North Korea's launch came just two days after it fired an intercontinental ballistic missile, and South Korea and the United States responded by staging joint air drills involving B-1B bombers. (Yonhap)

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