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Trump, Kim Jong

2024-06-15 08:21:11      点击:273

U.S. weekly Time on Monday announced the 10 finalists for this year's Person of the Year, including North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Donald Trump.

The two leaders were shortlisted along with other people deemed to have most influenced the news during the year.

"The North Korean leader has renewed the threat of nuclear war in American minds, launching repeated intercontinental ballistic missile tests and exchanging threats and insults with President Trump, who dubbed him 'Rocket Man,'" Time said.

The magazine has made the selection since 1927, and has previously shortlisted such high-profile figures as Hillary Clinton, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Trump was named Person of the Year last year.

In shortlisting him again, Time said the president "has spent his first year in the Oval Office attempting to dismantle the work of the Obama Administration, from health care to immigration policy, environmental regulations to tax reform, all while continuing to spark feuds and controversy with an unfiltered Twitter feed."

Others on the list included Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, "Wonder Woman" director Patty Jenkins, former quarterback Colin Kaepernick, special counsel Robert Mueller, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The weekly also identified two groups -- "Dreamers," or undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. when they were children, and the #MeToo movement, which aims to raise awareness of sexual harassment.

The 2017 Person of the Year will be announced Wednesday. (Yonhap)

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