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Racists react after Trump disavows the 'alt

2024-06-16 00:33:36      点击:209

Donald Trump may have disavowed his most virulently racist and xenophobic supporters on Tuesday, but not all of them are upset about it.

Trump disavowed the "alt-right" in a meeting with The New York Times, saying he doesn't "want to energize the group, and I disavow the group." The alt-right has become a catch-all term for white nationalists and neo-Nazis who have deftly spread racist and xenophobic messages through various online platforms.

SEE ALSO:CNN puts neo-Nazi statement on screen

"If they are energized, I want to look into it and find out why," Trump said, according to tweets sent by New York Timesreporters at the meeting.

The Twitter account for The Right Stuff, an anti-Semitic and white nationalist website, seemed concerned about the idea of disavowing the alt-right in general and in particular Richard Spencer, one of the movement's most prominent leaders.

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Former KKK leader David Duke took the opportunity to call for a roundtable meeting between Trump and prominent white nationalists so the president-elect could "find out why" they've been "energized" by his election.

And noted conservative extremist Ann Coulter tweeted about the media "bullying" Trump into disavowing Spencer as though she is not a part of the media.

Self-described white supremacist Andrew Anglin, who runs a popular neo-Nazi and white supremacist website called The Daily Stormer, took a much calmer approach in a post on his website. Echoing what he and other prominent white nationalists told Mashableduring the campaign, Anglin didn't seem to care what Trump said so long as he carried out policies that align with white nationalist interests, such as mass deportation and a ban on Muslim immigration.

"As far as Trump condemning Spencer -- I mean, they were throwing up Roman salutes at this conference," Anglin wrote. "I don’t know how you can really expect Trump -- at least at this point -- to endorse that. He tried not to condemn David Duke, and then eventually had to. And David Duke isn’t sieg heiling anyone. I mean, I obviously would have preferred he not condemn, but I’m not going to read too much into that. It is what it is -- just words. As long as he does what he says he’s going to do, he can condemn whatever he wants and I’ll still support him 100%."

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