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US House passes resolution denouncing socialism, N. Korean dictators

2024-06-07 01:09:03      点击:102
                                                                                                 Pyongyang citizens pay tribute to the statues of their late leaders Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il on Mansu Hill on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of Kim Jong-il's first field guidance for the revolutionary armed forces in Pyongyang,<strong></strong> in this Aug. 25, 2022, file photo. AP-Yonhap
Pyongyang citizens pay tribute to the statues of their late leaders Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il on Mansu Hill on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of Kim Jong-il's first field guidance for the revolutionary armed forces in Pyongyang, in this Aug. 25, 2022, file photo. AP-Yonhap

The U.S. House of Representatives adopted a resolution Thursday denouncing socialism and socialist dictators, including North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

House lawmakers passed the resolution, titled "Denouncing the horrors of socialism," in a 328-86 vote.

The resolution highlights that "many of the crimes in history were committed by socialist ideologues, including Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-un, Daniel Ortega, Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro."

Kim Jong-il is a former leader of North Korea and late father of incumbent leader Kim Jong-un.

The resolution was introduced in the House last Wednesday.

Socialism has, it says, "repeatedly led to famine and mass murders, and killing" of more than 100 million people worldwide, while "up to 3,500,000 people have starved in North Korea."

To this end, the U.S. congress "denounces socialism in all its forms, and opposes the implementation of socialist policies in the United States of America," says the resolution. (Yonhap)

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