Ask the experts: 9 books that will help you stand up for equality in 2017     DATE: 2024-05-29 15:14:50

This holiday season, give the gift of standing up for someone -- especially those who might find themselves under attack in the new year.

You can march and raise money for causes. You can speak up when you see bigotry in public. And you can educate yourself (and your friends) about the very real struggles that people of color, Muslims, women, immigrants and the LGBTQ community face in a country where hate incidents saw a spike in activity after the election.

SEE ALSO:Holiday self-care package helps the LGBTQ community at the end of a shitty year

We talked to five activists about what books to give out -- and gift to yourself -- in order to help you and your loved ones stand up for the people and causes you believe in.

Fight racism

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The Great Wells of Democracy -- an exhaustive look at the causes and effects of racism in America --is "an older book that reads like prophecy right now," says Blair LM Kelley, assistant dean of interdisciplinary studies and international programs at North Carolina State University.

For anyone who wants to understand the complex, overlapping forces of discrimination in the world today, she also recommends On Intersectionality: Essential Writings, written by UCLA law professor Kimberlé Crenshaw, who first coined the term "intersectionality" in a 1989 essay.

If you care about this issue, consider supporting the ACLU or the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

Fight Islamophobia

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"It's an accessible book that directly addresses the questions and misconceptions many people have about Islam, such as whether or not Islam promotes terrorism and the oppression of women, and whether or not Islam is compatible with democracy," says Evelyn Alsultany, director of the Arab and Muslim American Studies Program at the University of Michigan.

The book, based on six years of research and more than 50,000 interviews with Muslims across the world, gives "insight into the perspectives of a very diverse population."

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If you care about this issue, consider supporting the Council on American-Islamic Relations or the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.

Fight for women

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"Julia Serano's Whipping Girlis one that I think a lot of people could benefit from reading," says feminist, writer and activist Bailey Poland. "Julia is a trans woman who has written brilliantly on how femininity continues to be the target of sexist attacks (including, sometimes, by feminists), and her work is invaluable."

Poland also also suggests Kameron Hurley's Geek Feminist Revolution, "for a more geek culture/writing emphasis that cuts across multiple demographics. Plus it's a collection of essays, which might be more digestible for readers who want smaller chunks."

If you care about this issue, consider supporting We Need Diverse Books, Women Have Options or the National Organization for Women.

Fight for immigrant rights

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Grace Cheng, a senior researcher at Human Rights Watch, recommends these "very smart" and "nuanced" books about immigration.

Enrique's Journeytells the story of a Honduran boy searching for his mother, who left her starving family to find work in the United States. Underground America collectsoral histories from immigrants trying to make a living in America.

If you care about this issue, consider supporting the National Immigration Law Center orthe National Immigrant Justice Center.

Fight for LGBTQ rights

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Kerry Eleveld, author of Don't Tell Me to Wait: How the Fight for Gay Rights Changed America and Transformed Obama's Presidency, recommends the new memoir from Cleve Jones, who worked with Harvey Milk advocating for LGBTQ rights and co-founded the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. (Jones also served as the historical consultant for Gus Van Sant’s Milk, in which he was portrayed by Emile Hirsch.)

Another top pick for Eleveld? The Gay Revolution, which tells the story of the struggle for LGBTQ rights from the 1950s until the present.

If you care about this issue, consider supporting Lambda Legal, the National LGBTQ Task Force, the National Center for Lesbian Rights or the Transgender Law Center.

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