
Lena Waithe buzzed off her hair and for the best reason

Hair is personal, political, and a pain in the ass.

Lena Waithe, Mattress of Nonewriter and queer icon understands this well. The actress recently revealed to Varietythe reason why she buzzed her hair, despite what it supposedly says about her femininity.

SEE ALSO:The best places to find queer joy on Instagram

"I felt like I was holding onto a piece of femininity that would make the world feel comfortable with who I am,” Waithe told Variety. “I thought for a long time, ‘Oh, if I cut my hair, I’ll be a stud — in the gay world, there’s a lot of categories — I’ll be a stud or I’ll be a butch,’ and I’ve always thought, ‘Well, no, I’m not that, I’m still soft,’ and I said, ’Oh, I gotta put that down, 'cause that’s something that’s outside of me.’”

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A post shared by Lena Waithe (@lenawaithe) on

Waithe told the publication that she's "gotten gayer" as a result of the buzz. She meant it as a joke, but a lot of us in queer fan community would like to interpret this as fact.

“If people call me a butch or say, ‘She’s stud,’ or call me sir out in the world — so what?" Laithe said. "So be it. I’m here with a suit on, not a stitch of makeup, and a haircut. I feel like, ‘Why can’t I exist in the world in that way?'"

Lena, you can exist however you want. That being said, this buzz is particularly sharp and we'd like you to hold onto it for at least one queer-affirming black and white magazine spread.

Thank you for your consideration.

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