
Don't worry, that 360

Well, this is going to be one frightening view.

A 360-degree infinity pool has been planned for a skyscraper called Infinity London in well, London, and designers say it's the only building in the world to have one.

The ambitious concept comes from Compass Pools, who are looking to build the 600,000-litre pool out of cast acrylic, rather than glass, on top of the 55-storey building.

OK, looking at the pictures, you're probably wondering how you'd get in (or out). According to the design team, a rotating spiral staircase, much like a submarine's door, will arise from the floor of the pool. That's all the detail we get for now, so the actual practicalities of this remain to be seen.

Part of the pool's floor will be transparent, so swimmers can peer down from above (and vice versa).

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Mashable ImageCredit: Compass Pools

"Architects often come to us to design roof top infinity pools, but rarely do we get a say in the building design because the pool is usually an afterthought," Alex Kemsley, Compass Pools designer, said in a statement.

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"But on this project, we actually started with the pool design and essentially said, ‘how do we put a building underneath this?’ When we designed the pool, we wanted an uninterrupted view, both above and below the water."

The top five floors of the building are planned to become a hotel, so the pool is intended for use by guests.

Other cool features include a built-in anemometer to monitor wind speed, which links to a system that ensures the pool stays at a correct temperature and that water doesn’t get blown off the top of the building.

If the plan comes to fruition, designers say the skyscraper could start construction as early as 2020, with the building's location to be confirmed.

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