
Donald Trump throws away his notes, calling them 'boring'

Just when you think Donald Trump can't shock you, he manages to pull another rabbit out of his hat.

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Speaking at an economic roundtable on Thursday afternoon in West Virginia, he exhibited a little of that devil-may-care Trumpitude that fared so well with his base on the campaign trail but left the rest of us stunned.

Rather than read off his prepared remarks, Trump called his notes "boring" and just tossed them away because off-the-cuff Trump is most definitely not boring.

Oh, you scoundrel!

Wonder how his speechwriter feels right about now.

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Anyway, while Trump's "tell-it-like-it-is" approach is hardly new, maybe sometimes it's okay to be boring when trying to defend something like tax reform. But having patience and being able to explain things in a clear and coherent manner has never been Trump's strong suit and he's speaking to a friendly crowd.

Other than the toss-seen-round-the-net, Trump also took the opportunity to hit on immigration, the opioid crisis, and to slam West Virginia's Democratic senator Joe Manchin who voted against Trump's tax reform bill.

Oh, and he trotted out one of the Trump classics: undocumented immigrants are committing voter fraud.

So far, though, facts have shown that there's only one group of people that interfered in our election and they're from Russia.

But, hey, facts are boring, right?

Via Giphy

Oh, hey, it doeswork!

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