
Finally, a meme that combines our two main interests: crying and the Nae Nae

If you've got existential dread to spare and a love for heart-wrenching lyrics, the Crying Nae Nae is the perfect meme is for you.

It's got everything a meme needs these days: emojis, suspense, and plenty of wide-ranging emotions.

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Hitting a Nae Nae via emoji isn't anything new. It became a popular meme on Twitter after Silento's hit record "Watch Me" brought the dance to mainstream audiences in 2015.

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But what isrelatively new are memes pairing the Nae Nae (in emoji form) with dismal thoughts, sad lyrics, or lyrics to songs that -- while not sad, per se -- aren't very danceable.

Though it doesn't have an official name, for all intents and purposes, we've officially dubbed it the Crying Nae Nae™. Here are some of our favorites:

Keep on Nae Nae-ing the blues away, friends.

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