
It sure looks like Infowars misreported its own White House credentials

Infowars, the far-right news website run by conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, bragged Monday about its new White House press credentials.

SEE ALSO:Alex Jones plays a character on Infowars named 'Alex Jones,' says lawyer for Alex Jones

The site's Washington Bureau Chief, Jerome Corsi, tweeted about obtaining press access with a photo in what looked like the White House briefing room. The website also ran a quick story about what it called "an epic blow" to mainstream media. The story also teased that Alex Jones might attend future meetings.

Corsi spent most of the rest of the day tweeting about the debunked conspiracy surrounding the murder of former Democratic staffer Seth Rich.

The thing is, while Infowars has been trying for months to get permanent press credentials to join other outlets at press briefings, the outlet didn't actually get what it's been vying for. Instead, they received a day pass, according to various other reporters. That still gives them access to briefings — Corsi was slated to attend U.S. Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney's press briefing Monday — but most publishers can get this type of credential.

Media Matters for America, a media watchdog nonprofit, posted a video with Corsi from the briefing room saying for a live broadcast, "We’re here. I think that makes clear we’re going to get press credentials and we’ll do what we need to do to get here on a regular basis to get permanent press credentials.”

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The organization reported Infowarshad a temporary pass, but was still working to get permanent credentials.

We've reached out to the White House press office to confirm what type of credential Infowarsreceived.

In the meantime, everyone's reacting to the idea that Infowars, the outlet behind conspiracies about Obama's birthplace, 9/11, and Sandy Hook, is being treated like a legitimate news source.

Earlier this year, Alex Jones said in an online segment that his site could easily obtain White House credentials if it wanted them.

So there, MSM.

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