
Seoul slams 'irresponsible' Russian veto ending UN N. Korea sanctions monitoring

The<strong></strong> United Nation Security Council is in session in this photo taken on March 25. EPA-Yonhap

The United Nation Security Council is in session in this photo taken on March 25. EPA-Yonhap

South Korea slammed Russia's "irresponsible" veto blocking the renewal of a panel of UN experts monitoring international sanctions on North Korea, with the vote following accusations Pyongyang is aiding Moscow in its war in Ukraine.

South Korea "clearly points out that the Russian Federation, despite its status as a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council, has made an irresponsible decision," Seoul's foreign ministry said in a statement. (AFP)

Russian veto brings end to UN panel that monitors NK nuclear sanctions Russian veto brings end to UN panel that monitors NK nuclear sanctions 2024-03-29 08:09  |  North Korea

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