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Make your holidays delightfully weird with a choir singing Christmas carols like goats

2024-06-15 14:34:49      点击:770

This year, Christmas is getting meta.

The Swedish division of the charitable organization Action Aid released a very special Christmas album last December featuring some lively goats. Plastering goat squeals into normal songs has become a pretty popular internet trend in the last few years, so the charity created an entire album with goat bleating as the main instrument.

Action Aid decided to get even weirder this year by having a female choir sing some Christmas songs in the style of goats.

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Instead of just releasing an album, Action Aid threw a full concert, because why not?

While the whole thing is a bit ridiculous, it's all for good cause. Gabriella Ulfwi, Head of Fundraising ActionAid Sweden, said: "Our ambition is to raise awareness for our work with equality, women’s rights, empowerment, the goat’s importance and our fight for a world free from poverty."

The full All I Want For Christmas is a Goat concert can be streamed on YouTube, below.

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