
Yoon calls for ready

President Yoon Suk-yeol is <strong></strong>being reported on combat readiness of each military at the presidential office in Yongsan, Seoul, Sunday. Courtesy of presidential office
President Yoon Suk-yeol is being reported on combat readiness of each military at the presidential office in Yongsan, Seoul, Sunday. Courtesy of presidential office

President Yoon Suk-yeol ordered military commanders Sunday to punish any North Korean provocations without fail with a "firm determination not to avoid going to war," an official said.

Yoon made the call in virtual talks with Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Kim Seung-kyum and other commanders, as the North's state media reported that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has called for an "exponential" increase in the country's nuclear arsenal while naming the South "our undoubted enemy."

"Our military should certainly punish any enemy provocations with a firm determination not to avoid going to war," he was quoted by his spokesperson, Lee Jae-myoung, as saying at the talks at the underground national crisis management center at the presidential office in Seoul.

"I call on you to bear in mind that our troops' firm mental readiness posture and realistic training can only guarantee strong security," he added.

Yoon also warned that the North may continue to engage in provocations using various means, including asymmetric tools, while striving to advance its nuclear and missile threats.

Tensions flared anew as the recalcitrant regime fired what it claims to be a super-large caliber multiple rocket launcher on Saturday and Sunday.

Later in the day, Defense Minister Lee Jong-sup presided over an emergency meeting of top military commanders, where he also stressed that the "resolve not to hesitate to fight" can only deter North Korean provocations.

"Should the North commit a direct provocation, we should not hesitate in light of the right to self-defense, and we should sternly and strongly punish it," Lee was quoted as saying.

Lee also warned that the North could carry out surprise provocations, such as drone infiltrations "at any time."

"We should make the North realize that a provocation would be followed by harsh consequences so that it would dare not stage another provocation," he said.

On the same day, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Kim Seung-kyum inspected the Army's first Air Defense Brigade, where he called for a firm readiness posture based on capabilities to respond "overwhelmingly" to any provocations. (Yonhap)

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