
Denny's tweets pretty clever, internet

Brands, especially fast food brands, are usually pretty terrible at using pop culture references to sell their product. Any time they try to use a meme, it just comes off as sad and derivative.

But every once in a while, we see a brand apply a meme so effectively that we just have to give them the respect that they are due.

Denny's has earned this distinction for a tweet that they shared on Wednesday. It uses the "zoom in on the nose" meme everyone has been obsessing over so accurately and so hilariously that it got over 100,000 likes.

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SEE ALSO:'Zoom in on the nose' meme is guaranteed to improve your self-esteem

We aren't going to ruin the tweet for you by telling you what the fine print says. (After all, the point of the meme is literally to make you do the work.) But those who took the time found it was definitely worth.

After this thorough display of Twitter domination, other brands will have a hard task ahead as they attempt to compete for people's social media attention. We do not envy them.

As someone bluntly pointed out, IHOP is already crashing and burning.

May the best brand get our business.

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