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Almost no one was ready for this photo of Donald Trump's election results party

2024-06-16 00:53:51      点击:810

Donald Trump gathered family and friends together Tuesday night to do two things: watch the election results roll in and take a nearly-universally unflattering photo.

Frankly, it appears as though no one but Mike Pence was ready for this picture. Was it perhaps taken on Mike Pence's phone, thus allowing him creative control over which shot to post?

SEE ALSO:Donald Trump was caught peeking at his wife's election ballot

No one even knows if it's a smiling pic or a serious pic. What gives?

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Some other questions:

  • Why isn't Tiffany in front? She is not that tall.

  • Do Eric and Donald, Jr. always coordinate their smiles?

  • Is Barron sleeping?

  • Is Melania sleeping?

  • What is everyone's normal bedtime?

  • Did they not notice that at least three people were blinking?

Anyway, this one's a framer.

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