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N. Korea nears final phase of securing ICBM capabilities: ministry

2024-06-15 15:14:53      点击:724
North Korea has neared the "final stage" of developing an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), Seoul's defense ministry said Monday, warning of additional provocations aimed at further advancing its nuclear and missile programs.

In a briefing to the National Assembly, the ministry also explained that the North's launch Friday of an intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) appears intended to flaunt its ability to strike U.S. bases designed to augment U.S. troops in case of a contingency.

"(North Korea) has neared the final stage of securing ICBM capabilities," the ministry said in the briefing.

"(The North) will continue such provocations as additional nuclear tests and missile launches to secure its nuclear capabilities. ... The Punggye-ri nuclear test site remains ready for a (new) test," it added.

The parliamentary defense committee session was convened three days after the North fired off another Hwasong-12 missile over Japan, marking the second provocation in less than a month. It flew 3,700 kilometers with a maximum altitude of about 770 km.

Commenting on the motives behind the latest launch, the ministry said the provocation was in part to protest a new U.N. Security Council sanctions resolution adopted last Monday to punish the North's Sept. 3 nuclear test and to show its defiance of international pressure.

The ministry added that the North has fired 19 missiles on 14 occasions this year and has conducted eight launches since the Moon administration took office in May.


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