
Congrats Elon Musk, for following one woman on Twitter

Founder of SpaceX and inventor of cool things, Elon Musk is known for innovation, but his "following" list on Twitter looks like it might be stuck in the Dark Ages.

Motherboardnoticed that up until this Tuesday, Musk was following a total of zero women on Twitter.

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Since the headline "Elon Musk follows zero women on Twitter" hit the internet however, he's started following one -- GQ writer Caity Weaver. Congratulations sir! Your world has just opened up an iota.

The lucky followee was added to Musk's list after he clapped back at the news outlet's report on Twitter.

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While it looks like Musk did follow his ex-wife Talulah Riley, also female, up until a few weeks ago, he's since smashed that "unfollow" button.

About a hundred tweets back (in August) Musk retweeted another woman, his mother, who shared a cute family photo.

But it's not the first time people have noticed a lack of ladies on Musk's Twitter account.

Now that Musk has re-broken that barrier, what other female human beings should he follow? There's Gwynn Shotwell, COO and member of the SpaceX board of directors. Then there's literally anyone else who is a woman. Suggestions welcome. And they don't have to be women in science or news -- he follows Ryan Reynolds after all. The guy from Two Guys, a Girl and Pizza Place.

If we can get three women on the U.S. Supreme Court, we can get at least four in Musk's "following" list.

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