
Dude raps about his extreme hatred of the new Snapchat update and he kind of has a point

People are all up in their feelings about the new Snapchat redesign.

One million people have signed a petition urging Snapchat to revert back to its original design. Even Chrissy Teigen's spoken out against it. And, now, someone's actually created a rap about how much they dislike the update.

SEE ALSO:Chrissy Teigen also hates the new Snapchat update, so maybe there's hope

YouTuber Leek Jack rapped about how much despises the new Snapchat redesign. And, he made some pretty good points.

"I was scrollin' through my phone and I was having a nice day. So, I clicked up on my Snapchat and I see the damn update. I'm like, what the hell is this? Can somebody come and help?" begins the rap.

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Jack's rap touches on some of the issues raised in the petition. Like, the lack of views on one's own stories, and the redesign's habit of showing people stories that they wouldn't ordinarily look at.

"I checked my own story and I've barely got some views," raps Jack. "Why you showing people's stories that my ass don't even know?"

"Tell me who is your designer, can we talk this man-on-man?" asks Jack. "Whoever thought of this must've been smoking or been drinking."

To be fair, he does have a point.

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