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Pyongyang adds second marathon for foreigners: tour agency

2024-06-15 14:01:25      点击:485
Runners in the 'Mangyondae Prize International Marathon' start from Pyongyang's Kim Il-sung Stadium on Apr. 8,<strong></strong> 2014. / Courtesy of Uri Tours

Runners in the "Mangyondae Prize International Marathon" start from Pyongyang's Kim Il-sung Stadium on Apr. 8, 2014. / Courtesy of Uri Tours

By Woo Ji-won

Pyongyang will launch a new annual international marathon in October, in addition to its existing April event, according to a travel agency specializing in trips to North Korea.

Uri Tours said on its homepage Tuesday that the marathon will be held on October 22, "opening new doors for foreign runners." The site says the company is based in New York and Shanghai and has been organizing tours to North Korea for international travelers for over 15 years. It also said it is America's largest North Korean trips provider and the exclusive ticketing agent of Air Koryo, the North's airline.

North Korea has been holding the "Mangyondae Prize International Marathon" since 1981 to mark state founder Kim Il-sung's birthday in April. From 2014, the Kim Jong-un regime started allowing foreigners to participate, largely to make foreign money through the competition.

According to the agency, the October marathon will have more North Korean runners than in April. The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry said that in the event on Apr. 9 more than 1,100 marathoners from 50 countries, including Germany, the United States and China, participated.

The site said the October event will introduce a five-kilometer run, a return route starting from the Kim Il-sung Stadium in Pyongyang, and feature 10-kilometer, half and full courses.

The October marathon is seen as a way to attract tourists and secure foreign exchange while the international community imposes sanctions on North Korea.

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