24 ways your brain rapidly changed after Trump's election
2024-05-28 18:10:12

For many of us, it's becoming increasingly hard to remember the time before Donald Trump was elected -- that rosy, carefree time before we were on the verge of war with five different countries and our president knew that Frederick Douglass was dead.

Ah, the good old days.

Trump's presidency, just weeks old, has been so brutal and swift that it's been hard for the millions of Americans who oppose him to think of a time where his Twitter feed didn't consume all of our mental energy. Remember when you could turn to Facebook without a zillion different people asking you to call your Senator to oppose Betsy DeVos NOW NOW NOW?

Yeah, me neither.

SEE ALSO:What to do when you're so overwhelmed by the Trump presidency you can barely move

Here's a look at unpredictable, unspeakable ways your mind has likely changed, pre and post Trump's election.

1. The question: "How are you?"

Pre: "I'm [good/fine/not listening]"

Post: "You're going to have refrain from that question for the next four years."

2. John McCain:

Pre: "He's lost all credibility."


3. While you're on the train:

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4. Nuclear war:

Pre: "In the past!"

Post: "On the table."

5. Dogs:

Pre: "If only we could talk to each other!"

Post: "Thank god you understand none of this."

6. Sleeping:


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7. New York Times notifications:

Pre: "Obama was slow in signing that bill -- I'm outraged!"

Post: "Oh, the House just dropped a ban on the mentally ill having guns --- HEY THIS ONE'S NOT SO BAD!"

8. Paul Ryan:

Pre: "The f*cking worst."

Post: "The f*cking worst."

9. Facebook photos of babies:

Pre: "Aww, your baby is sooo cute!"

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Post: "Why are you posting this, do you not realize that the world is burning down, I hate you."

10. Authoritarianism:

Pre: "God that is devastating."

Post: "Okay, it can't be THAT BAD -- I mean people live in Russia, right?"

11. Bananas:


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Mashable ImageCredit: olivier douliery/Sipa USA via AP

12. While you're in the shower

Pre: "I need more soap."

Post: "I need to get out of this country before it becomes North Korea."

13. Your senator:

Pre: "Who's that guy again?"


14. Twitter:

Pre: "Such a fun place, love following all my fav comedians there!"


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15. Travel:

Pre: "Where's the best place to escape from work?

Post: "Where's the best place to escape from nuclear war?"

17. Maxine Waters:

Pre: "Who's that?"


18. Dieting:

Pre: "God, I really need to get on a diet."


Via Giphy

19. The Gym:

Pre: "Need. To. Go!"

Post: "If I get up from my bed today that counts as moving, right?"

20. The Cold War:

Pre: "We won!"

Post: "We lost!"

21. Mike Pence:

Pre: "Satan on earth."

Post: "I pray for the day you become leader of the free world."

22. Time:

Pre: "Just flies by!"


23. Chuck Schumer

Pre: "Wait, what does that guy do again?"


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24. The election:

Mashable ImageCredit: ambar del moral/mashable
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